Tag Archives: filmic

Filmic Tonemapping for Real-time Rendering


A presentation from the Siggraph 2010 Course on Color presentation “Filmic Tonemapping for Real-time Rendering”. This is an extension of the presentation from 2006 that includes an analytical approximation used in Naughty Dog’s Uncharted 2 as well as still from the game.

Articles about the technique or games that have used the technique

Slides can be found below.
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Filmic Tonemapping and Color In Games

Filmic Tonemapping Mt Tam

A presentation at Electronic Arts in 2006 on Filmic Tonemapping, a technique from film that became very applicable to games with the addition of support for HDR lighting and rendering in graphics cards.

Articles about the technique or games that have used the technique

Slides are available below.
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